St Lawrence College

Ramsgate, Kent, UK

In bono vince

Old Lawrentian Dinner: December 3, 2012 in the Tower of London.

The school song: video recording (iPhone 5) of the second half of the school song, sung at the end of the dinner. The recording, which is 49s long, begins in the third line of the second verse: …ipsos collaudamus.

Pueri quater beati
Hoc sub tecto congregati,
Quam debemus esse grati
Quod sumus Laurentes!

Mare caerulum spectamus,
Leves auras inhiamus,
Nosmet ipsos collaudamus,
Qui sumus Laurentes.

Ergo fundatoribus,
In bono victoribus,
In bono victuri,
Gratias agamus!

The Old Lawrentian Society.